Biologique Recherche has applied its 40 years of experience in treating skin problems into developing an exclusive line of products for hair care. Like the face and body treatments, hair care treatments consist of three stages, an assessment stage, an initial stage, and a healing stage. They are used in our Beauty & Spa Salon in Paphos to treat scalp problems (dandruff, lifeless skin, split ends of hair, hair loss, and much more) and are suitable for all skin conditions sensitive skin, dry skin, or oily.

Soin Oxygénant-Fortifiant 1H* 90€
A treatment to oxygenate and fortify your hair.
A course of 5 Micro-Puncture sessions is recommended for optimal results*.
Soin Sébo-Régulateur 1H
A treatment to gently cleanse and purify your hair.
Reduces and regulates sebum production.
Soin Équilibrant Pellicules Sèches 1H
A balancing treatment for hair with dry dandruff. Gently eliminates flaking.
Soin Équilibrant Pellicules Grasses 1H
A balancing treatment for hair with oily dandruff. Gently eliminates flaking.
Forfait Soin Oxygénant Fortifiant avec Micro-Puncture 1H30
Micro-Puncture is designed for tired scalp and lifeless hair.
A course of 5 sessions combined with our Cocktail d’Actifs Régénérants, stimulates and revitalizes
hair growth.